Saturday, July 18, 2009

July 18, 2009 Begin Again for Moms

Thought for the day:
I hope I do as well for my children as my mother did for me.

Mom's give guidance!  Sometimes we just need to hold on to their every word and keep remembering not only what they said, but also how they said it to us.   I have three sons and they are all very creative.  When my two older boys were both under the age of 3, a dear friend wrote me a letter and said "Lexy, I can see it now CAPP BROS. Inc."   Now they have a little brother and the 3 brothers are full of talent and creativity!  Look out Marx Brothers here come the Capp Brothers!!!  When my boys were toddlers, their grandmother commented on what great jobs they did at coloring.  On developing creativity in children- perhaps some painting- just some splattering of watercolors or crayon lines the way a child loves to do it- is the first step.  Perhaps this will develop a talent!  We need to encourage our children and be available.  They need their mother's affection and guidance and long periods of time alone with her.  That's what gives them security in an often confusing world!

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